Added: Oct 09,2024
Payment systems:

Plans: 8% daily for 15 days, 18% daily for 10 days, 200% After 7 days, After 5 days.
Min deposit: $10
Max deposit: $∞
Referral: 6-2-1%
Welcome to all participants at My name is GALLANT, Edmund, and I work professionally in the field of cryptocurrencies. I started doing my first trades in 2017, and since then I have accumulated knowledge and experience, and I can confidently say that in this field you can and should make money. Over the past 6 years, I was able to reach an average profit level of about 300-500% per month. Of course there are losses from time to time, but they do not exceed 20-30%. Recently, I had an idea to create a trust management company in the field of cryptocurrencies, using not only own funds, but also the funds of all those interested in increasing their capital. As a service fee, I will receive a small part of the net profit.
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