Added: Dec 09,2022
Payment systems:

Plans: 1.8% daily for 10 Days, 2.13% daily for 30 Days, 3.27% daily...
Min deposit: $1
Max deposit: $∞
Referral: From 1% - 0.2% - 0.15% - 0.1% up to 8.8% - 1% - 0
Withdrawal: Instant
The Doradus team, which previously launched a number of significant projects and successfully gained respectable positions in the aerospace technology market, has expanded the scope of its activities by developing a private platform for partner companies directly engaged in technological development and space exploration. This closed platform allowed us to generate significant profits, which allowed us to create the current project to increase the profits of our users. The main idea of the new platform is to increase the involvement of investors in the development of a critically important sphere of human life and provide an opportunity to bring the future closer by doing simple investment activities.
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