Added: Nov 10,2022
Payment systems:

Plans: 1% after 1 day!
Min deposit: $10
Max deposit: $60000
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Manual
At Devandas Investment, our people are our most valued asset. The quality of our people is the pillar of our capability to serve our clients. For this reason, we invest significantly in identifying exceptional people, developing their skills, and creating an environment that fosters their growth as leaders. We encourage entrepreneurship and innovation at all levels because we believe they are key to developing good quality and committed professionals. Devandas Investment has adopted a systematic approach of engaging when we first become aware of complaints or concerns. Early-stage prevention and proactive problem-solving are always better. In parallel, Devandas Investment's accountability and oversight mechanisms continue to address the risks associated with the complexity of our operations, including working in challenging, fragile, and extremely poor environments. We seek to meet the specific goals of the clients whose portfolios we are in charge of managing from individual investors to institutional investors such as private grants, retirement plans, private investors, educational institutions, and micro investment firms and we can help you too.
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