Added: Jul 20,2022
Payment systems:

Not Paying
Payouts: 5% Daily Forever, 6% Daily Forever, 10% Daily Forever
min deposit: $25
max deposit: $∞
referral bonus: 0.4%-5%-10%
PLATONAX LTD is an High Profits investment platform, mainly on Bitcoin and other crypto currencies trading over multiple Exchanger and markets. Thanks to our company, You can become an investor in the network without any specialist knowledge. You can become a partial shareholder of PLATONAX LTD which you can buy with a minimum investment $25 and start earnings after plan. Just choose one of the three investment plans depending on the amount you want to invest. We are here for a long run and we present the real time statistics of our platform to all those who are interested in investing with us.
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  1. $5.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TPSFViW3GqXTyFXMJwZYUWcwMbJixv525d.
    Transaction batch is 34dea1d3363252ef59203e89afce37f631cb3b01f5194d91e28939b504f76016.

  2. $5.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TPSFViW3GqXTyFXMJwZYUWcwMbJixv525d.
    Transaction batch is 0916b50efd59379580f2f233af50d79d987c469810918e13e7fd6c3b94390880.
