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Our investment strategies encompass Forex trading, Equities, Fixed Income, Alternatives,Multi-asset and Quantitative Investment Solutions, enabling us to serve the needs of ourinstitutional and individual clients in Asia Pacific, Europe, North America and otherparts of the world.Maza Profit focuses its research efforts and capital on investmentopportunities with high conviction through its stringent investment criteria and process.Maza Profit's portfolio construction aims to expand portfolio return and tomitigate large market down turn risk.our strategic vision is to identify the high quality investment opportunity for very long term.We are dedicated to continuously improving our investment process and skills. We take great pridein the professional quality of our work but believe there are always areas of improvement. Weconstantly review, analyze and seek to improve our investment process.As a responsible asset manager, we actively invest for the long-term to help our clients,our people and the world to prosper. Our conviction-led approach enables us to uncover whatwe believe to be the best global investment opportunities across alternative and coreasset classes.We like to provide a platform for young entrepreneurs in United Kingdom to get access toinvestor advice and funding and eventually to see many successes in innovative companiesoriginating from United Kingdom. We meet once a month, usually on the last Friday of themonth with the selected startups to provide seed or growth money, advice and/orconnections.We control top asset management groups, hedge funds, private equity and venture capitalfirms who domicile their funds in leading offshore financial centres like Bermuda, theBritish Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands due to the operational efficiencies, speed tomarket and progressive legislation offered by those jurisdictions..
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